
From The Last Starwiki
Revision as of 15:05, 21 July 2022 by Scruffee (talk | contribs)
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The Last Starship has a large number of keybinds and game controls which are not currently described in-game.


Game speed

  • Space bar - Toggle game speed to/from slowest
  • 1 - 5 - 1-5x game speed
  • 6 - 10x game speed
  • 7 - 20x game speed
  • 8 - 30x game speed
  • 9 - 40x game speed
  • 0 - 50x game speed


  • - - Reduce UI size
  • + - Increase UI size
  • , or . - Rotate camera
  • W A S D / Up Down Left Right / 2 4 6 8 (numpad) - Pan camera
  • Q - Zoom camera in
  • E - Zoom camera out

Ship navigation


While placing hull:

  • R - Rotate the cursor to place corner pieces