
From The Last Starwiki
Revision as of 12:48, 23 September 2022 by Totengeist (talk | contribs) (Remove general life support system information and add information about the atmosphere itself)
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For information on building and optimizing an atmosphere maintenance system, see Life support.

An oxygen-rich, CO2-poor atmosphere is required on all ships carrying a population. To create an atmosphere, an oxygen-generating system is required. The most basic of which is a Loader connected via pipes to an Airduct. However, players will likely want to set up a more advanced system.

A ship's atmosphere can be split into multiple areas if walls and doors surround these areas. Open doors will cause the two atmospheres on either side to mix. The hull might rupture during combat, causing the atmosphere to escape into space. For this reason, it may be good practice to create a separate atmosphere for the Habitation Deck. Engines and weapons may be more likely targets for hostiles. Therefore, hull breaches may be more likely in those areas.


  • Update1.rc2: Introduced.
  • Update2.rc1: Crew will no longer disembark the delivery shuttle if there is no atmosphere, and a warning message is shown.