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This article answers some commonly asked questions and addresses common points of confusion.


How can I move crew members, resources, or items between ships?

Currently, the only way to transfer crew members or items is by selling them to the Trader and re-purchasing them on the desired ship. Resources outside of canisters cannot be transferred. Selling tanks will destroy any resources contained within them.

Note: Your fleet only requires one FTL Drive. When activated, all ships—even those without fuel, engines, or crew—will enter FTL travel.

How can I get crew to newly purchased ships?

Before you purchase anything else for your ship, select the newly purchased ship and buy a matching number of crew members and space suits. If you purchase other items first, they will be stuck in the queue without anyone to move them. If you don't buy space suits, the crew members will refuse to leave the shuttle.

Can I dock my ships?

No. It is currently impossible to dock ships or directly transfer crew, items, or resources between them.


Where can I find a list of keybindings or controls?

All known keybindings are listed on Controls.

Can I play the game on Linux or Steam Deck?

The game runs properly on the Steam Deck. There is no information on a Linux port at this time. For native Linux versions, check SteamDB's Linux manifests for the game.

Where can I leave feedback or report bugs?

The best place to leave feedback and report bugs is on the Steam playtest discussion boards.

Will there be multiplayer?

There is currently no information on whether Introversion plans to add multiplayer support to the game.